viernes, 15 de octubre de 2021


                        UNIDAD EDUCATIVA TABACUNDO

Name: Anderson Cacuango

Grade: 2BGU "B" 

Tipier: Mathematies History 


El uso de las TIC en la enseñanza del inglés 

 Teams: From Abacus to Cumputational Thoughl



Objetive: Investigate the mathematics history, industry’s philosophy and logic,first mechanical and digital now, and Teh transformations of how we work, study, play, inform ourselves and interact. Include computational thinking in process flows terms, structuring project, coding and multimedia communication interfaces.



blog is a space on the internet that you can use to express your ideas, interests, experiences and opinions.
serves to reflect the knowledge of a person through written writing, element of communication




Nowadays the study has changed a lot, education is more participatory, teaching is more advanced, there is the internet where you can easily consult it without having to go to the libraries.









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